All Attraction, Cigar Galaxy, Victoriaraya, Aatherv, N R I Victory and Laamika shine

All Attraction, Cigar Galaxy, Victoriaraya, Aatherv, N R I Victory and Laamika shone when the horses were exercised here on Tuesday morning (March 11).

Inner sand:

600m: Flight Of Fancy (R. Pradeep) 39.5. Pleased. Golden Glory (Shinde) 40.5. In fine trim.

Outer sand:

600m: Victoriaraya (Likith), Breeze Bluster (Koshi K) 43. Former moved attractively. Golden Beast (rb) 46. Easy.

1000m: Laamika (Antony), Sling Shot (Suhas) 1-16, 600/42.5. Former finished three lengths ahead. Real Happiness (Siddaraju), Unforgettable Star (Prabhakaran) 1-15, 600/44.5. They moved on the bit. Edmonton (B. Harish) 1-16, 600/44. In fine trim. Solo Prince (Arvind) 1-14.5, 600/45. Moved freely. Contessina (Suraj), Sea Glory (Prabhakaran) 1-14, 600/44. Former moved fluently and finished five lengths ahead. Ziva (Suhas) 1-14.5, 600/42.5. Pleased. Bruce Almighty (Salman K), Chiraag (Afsar) 1-15, 600/42. They strode out well.

1200m: Star Studded (Suraj), Imperial Star (Shinde) 1-29, 1,000/1-13, 600/44. Former started three lengths behind and finished four lengths ahead. Aatherv (Vivek) 1-27, 1,000/1-11.5, 600/43.5. Moved impressively. Stentorian (Suraj), Verrazzano (Shinde) 1-30, 1,000/1-13.5, 600/44.5. Former started three lengths behind and finished eight lengths ahead. Assurance (Shinde), Golden Empire (Suraj) 1-28, 1,000/1-13, 600/43.5. Former finished six lengths ahead.

1400m: All Attraction (Koshi K), Connecting Dots (Likith) 1-39.5, 1,200/1-24, 1,000/1-10, 600/42.5. Former put up a good display. N R I Victory (Qureshi) 1-45, 1,200/1-28.5, 1,000/1-13, 600/42.5. Moved impressively. Cigar Galaxy (Rozario) 1-42.5, 1,200/1-27.5, 1,000/1-13, 600/43. Fit for the fray.

Gate practice — inner sand:

1200m: Big B (Rajesh K), Hidden Dreams (B. Harish) 1-24, (1,200-600) 42.5. Former finished four lengths ahead. N R I Touch (A. Ramu), N R I Legacy (Qureshi) 1-39.5, (1,200-600) 56.5. True Punch (Aleemuddin) 1-23.5, (1,200-600) 42. Jumped out well. Mister Brown (Pavan), Altamonte (Salman K), Queen Beandaz (rb) 1-24.5, (1,200-600) 41.5. First named impressed.