Sekhmet, Superhero and Ascoval please

Sekhmet, Superhero and Ascoval pleased when the horses were exercised here on Monday morning (Jan. 27).

Inner sand:

600m: Ascoval (Aleemuddin) 38. Moved attractively. Tripple V (Qureshi) 40. Strode out well. Joyful Spirit (M. Naveen) 39.5. Stretched out well.

1000m: Supercharge (M. Naveen) 1-7.5, 600/40. In fine trim. Velencia (M. NAveen) 1-7.5, 600/40.5. Moved well.


600m: She’s So Beautiful (Suhas) 42. Moved freely.

Outer sand:

600m: Golden Gallery (rb), Laamika (Suhas) 43.5. They finished level.

1000m: Carat Love (Qureshi) 1-14.5, 600/44. Shaped well.

1200m: Superhero (P. Mani), Bruce Almighty (Mark) 1-29.5, 1,000/1-12, 600/43.5. Former finished two lengths ahead.

1400m: Sekhmet (Antony) 1-45.5, 1,200/1-27.5, 1,000/1-12, 600/41.5. Responded well to the urgings.

Inner sand — Jan 26:

1000m: Thessalian (Shareef) 1-7.5, 600/39.5. Strode out well. Out Into Spotlight (Girish) 1-9, 600/41. Moved freely. Mehra (R. Pradeep) 1-9, 600/41. Easy.

1200m: Refreshment (Girish), Pole Star (Shareef) 1-24, 1,000/1-9, 600/41. They moved on the bit.

Outer sand:

1000m: Sira (Shareef) 1-14.5, 600/43.5. Worked well. Freedom Touch (Neeraj) 1-16, 600/45.5. Easy.

1200m: Mnemosyne (Pavan), Torobravo (Arvind) 1-31, 1,000/1-16, 600/45. Former finished three lengths ahead. Napolean (Robert) 1-29.5, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/44. Moved well.

1400m: Cigar Galaxy (Pavan), Imperial Blue (Arvind) 1-39.5, 1,200/1-25.5, 1,000/1-12.5, 600/45. Former finished two lenghs ahead.