Royal Defender, Vishwas, Element, Glorious King and Gold Ride shine

Royal Defender, Vishwas, Element, Glorious King and Gold Ride shone when the horses were exercised here on Saturday morning (Feb. 22).

Outer sand: 600m: Sovereign Spirit (Shah Alam), Kings Return (A.S. Peter) 41. Former moved better and finished two lengths ahead. Win Win (Inayat) 41. Moved well. A 3-y-o (Surfrider – Sassy Lass) (C. Brisson) 44.

800m: Joondalup (R. Gochhi) 58.5, 600/42.5. Urged in the last part. Trevalius (Hindu Singh) 57.5, 600/42. Worked well. Gold Fame (R. Gochhi) 59.5, 600/43.5. Unextended. Gold Ride (Hindu Singh) 57.5, 600/41. In fine trim. Luca (Hindu Singh), Wolf Creek (R. Gochhi) 59, 600/43. They were extended, former finished a length ahead.

Inner sand: 600m: Kings Walk (rb) 43. Handy. Saintly Star (rb), Elsa (rb) 43.5. Sweet Fragrance (rb) 45. Easy. Magical Bay (M.S. Deora) 42.5. Shaped well. Glorious King (M. Bhaskar) 39.5. In great heart.

800m: Miss American Pie (N.S. Parmar) 58, 600/43.5. Moved on the bit. New Dimension (M. Bhaskar) 56, 600/40. Responded well to the urgings. Tignanello (M.S. Deora) 57.5, 600/41.5. In good condition. Royal Defender (Inayat), Vishwas (Shyam Kumar) 52.5, 600/39. They put up a pleasing display. Swarga (S. Kabdhar), Bluemed (C. Brisson) 56, 600/41.5. Former finished two lengths in front. Element (Shyam Kumar), Sheer Rocks (Inayat) 55, 600/38. They are in fine trim, former finished three lengths in front. Mother’s Grace (M.S. Deora) 59, 600/44.5. Moved freely. Esconido (B. Dharshan), Merlet (N.S. Parmar) 56.5, 600/40.5. Latter started four lengths behind and finished together.

Gate practice (inner sand):

800m: Aspira (M. Bhaskar), Brilliant Lady (A.S. Peter) 54.22, 600/38.36. Former finished four lengths in front. Divine Right (Hindu Singh), Aletta (R. Gochhi) 56.72, 600/41.28. Former finished five lengths ahead.